Monday, April 6

4.4.09 session @ EarthTreks

Took the redline metro to Rockville, MD today for a solo sesh...I was envisioning tUning out to my iPod and just having some zen time.
However, the day @ the gym turned into a cool mix of productive bouldering with some folks and a lil toprope route climbing thrown in with this cool kid I met there named Eduardo (from Spain...he's actually one of the 34 Spaniard citizens who are not professional climbers!)

On the boulder's the "highlights" were:
I flashed a soft v7 that would've been a v5 outside.
I sent 4th go a LEGIT v8 that had a heinous right hand bump to a crimp at full extension + dyno finish.
A 1st-go repeat of a cool v7 (see video footage below of a past attempt)

It was a bummer... a young lady in the gym broke her ankle off a boulder problem today...she missed the mat ):
I managed a [desperate] roof v6 @ the end of the session too...proud send.

On the toprope routes (Eduardo isn't certified for lead climbing):
I warmed up on a flash of a really neat, long, sustained, just-past-vertical .11a
I sent 2nd go a .12c/d that felt really just like a two-move v3 and a two meter v4 boulder problem, w/ the rest feeling like .10a climbing; very good stEEP climbing up the "wave" upper headwall section...good for the ego fo sho : )

I look forward to climbing more often during the summer.


P.S. Jimmy and Lisa, the Chulich Siblings, aka "Children of the GYM" aka, "Teen-Grade chasers", aka "the Playa n Diva of WRG"(sorry Dom 'n Laura) have been enjoying the God-given gifts of their anti-gravity genetics! Okay, sorry. I'm a little too psyKed. But hey...

Lisa just sent her first 5.12a ON LEAD (nice one girl!)
Jimmy's well on his way to making Micah, Dom, and I jealous this year with his meteroic rise on the ropes less than a month: Chain Reaction .12c, three .12a onsights, .12a,c, d (his 1st 7c route) in a day! WOW. Good job.


dom said...

If Jimmy and Lisa are the "Playa n Diva of WRG" then what are laura and I?

NM said...

The King and Queen of WRG!

Unknown said...

Great hanging out with you at ET yesterday. Definitely an inspiration. Let me know next time you're coming out and need a belayer. I could learn a lot.
