Saturday, February 19

Excellent Gym Session : )

Saturday, February 19th, 2011:

Progress is being had with my training! It's a special moment when you can savor the process without concern for the end was one of those moments. Here's what went down:
  • 12 boulder problems v5-v10 (2 v5s, 1 v6, 4 v7s, 2 v8s, 2 v9s, & 1 v10)
  • Quality Campus Board Workout (8th and final one I've decided before Smith Rocks)
  • 5.12a/b 3rd go (hardest lead of 2011)
  • 5.11b flash as brutal "cool down"
With three (3) weeks remaining before Smith now, I'm going to scale back on the bouldering (30 min max/session) and focus primarily on lead climbing. I'll supplement this with core work, endurance cross training, and probably some hangboard'n at the house to keep the fingers snappy.

Here's the footage of what might just be the hardest boulder problem I've scaled at EarthTreks.

Climb hard, have fun.

Glorify God in all that you do.



Laura said...

Man you are climbing strong, awesome job! Perhaps that large Smith tick list is possible!

Micah Bryan Humphrey said...

GanGSTA! Nice soundtrack! Oh yeah, the climbing is cool too...

NM said...

Thanks Laura : )
Micah, I need some of your beats