Saturday, March 1

C R E A T I N E. [ It works ]

For a myraid of reasons, I had been reluctant over the years to try creatine. I was aware of it even in high school kids were trying it and I was critically skeptical at best. Pushing into my 40s now, out of a concern for studies about muscle wasting as an indicator of aging and the emphasis that I’ve began to place on strength training I decided to finally pull the trigger and try it. Less than 2months in and I’m thankful I did

Supplementing with 3 to 5 grams of creatine daily has been shown to: 

  • Increase muscular strength-endurance & power 
  • Accelerate recovery between bouts of intense exercise 
  • Promote gains in lean muscle mass
  • Improve sports performance involving short- to moderate-duration bursts of high-intensity exertion 
  • Enhance cognition, speed of information processing, and memory, especially in times of metabolic stress, sleep deprivation, and with aging.